Payment Plans

As part of our website payment arrangements with Majestri, Mash Netball are able to offer Payment Plans to suit your budgets to cover the cost of registrations and also uniforms and merchandise.

Netball Connect registrations are slightly different as Netball Connect is not managed by Mash, however Payment Plans are available in one of two formats. There is a basic payment plan offered through Netball Connect, or you have the option of creating a payment plan with Mash, through Majestri.


·         Payment plans are available to cover both registration and merchandise costs. 

·         At registration you select if you would like a payment plan, fill in the required details and the system then advises Mash who approve the plan.

·         With this plan, you can elect how much $ per payment, frequency (weekly, fortnightly etc).

·         We prefer that all payment plans are completed by the end of June, however we can extend as long as plans are finalised in the year of the debt.

·         If you require merchandise on your plan, please contact as this will need to be added to your plan manually.

·         If you didn’t select Payment Plan at initial registration, you are still able to request a plan by logging into your account with Mash or sending a message to with the following information and we can get the ball rolling for you..

o   Frequency of payments

·         Weekly

·         Fortnightly

·         4 Weekly

·         A specific date each month

o   Day of payments

§  Payments are deducted on Tuesdays and Friday’s, so select which day suits you best.

§  For a specific date each month, select which date you prefer.  Note that your payment will come out on the Tuesday or Friday following that date.What date to start the payment plan.

 o   What date to start the payment

NETBALL CONNECT – Option 1 - Stripe

·         Netball Connect is managed by Netball NT.  As part of the NC system, payment plans are offered through their payment processor, Stripe.

·         Stripe offer a basic payment plan, similar to Paypal or Afterpay.  Your bill is split into 4 equal payments and debited from your account each fortnight.  First payment is taken out as you complete your registration, the second 2 weeks later etc.

·         This option is offered at Checkout within the NC system and you will provide a Debit/Credit card, which will be used for the payments.

NETBALL CONNECT – Option 2 - Mash

·         If you require a more tailored Payment plan, then Mash can help.  To setup this plan there is a specific order to how you register..

o   Contact BEFORE you attempt to register on Netball Connect.

o   You will be provided with a ‘Discount Code’’ which reduces your Netball Connect fees to $0

o   Once you have your discount code, you can go ahead and register on Netball Connect, follow the Checkout procedure and input the discount code in the appropriate field and finalise your registration.  If you have completed correctly, you will not have to pay anything at that time.

o   Once you have completed your registration let us know by contacting and provide the following information..

§  Frequency of payments

·         Weekly

·         Fortnightly

·         4 Weekly

·         A specific date each month

§  Day of payments

·         Payments are deducted on Tuesdays and Friday’s, so select which day suits you best.

·         For a specific date each month, select which date you prefer.  Note that your payment will come out on the Tuesday or Friday following that date.

o   What date to start the payment plan.

Once Payment Plan information has been provided and plan setup you will be emailed a request direct from Majestri where you will provide bank account details to enable the direct debit to occur (Mash have NO access to your bank account or bank account details that you provide).

Should you have any questions on payment plans, please feel free to contact

For the above information in downloadable format, please click link below.
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The Member for Spillett & The Member for BrennanThe Member for Spillett & The Member for Brennan

Mrs Lia Finocchiaro, Member for Spillett and Ms Marie-Clare Boothby, Member for Brennan

Phone (08) 8999 6674